Hello Everyone! My name is Brenda Yogoh, originally from Kenya but currently staying with my family in Park City, Utah while I school in Rexburg, Idaho. At first, I was super nervous when I realized that I would be blogging every week for one of my classes. I've never done it before but I guess we'll see how it goes. One of the main reasons I found (and still find it) scary is because I get to share personal thoughts with people at random, and this can sometimes be hard.
Okay, enough about me. This week I got to ponder on a very interesting subject that has always been of concern to me. "Marriage" as a whole.But why? Most of you might ask. As I stated earlier, I was born and raised in Kenya converted into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints about 3 years ago. But even though I hadn't affiliated myself with any church before that, I believed in God and would always try to live in accordance with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Growing up, we were always taught to work hard for what we wanted in life and so this became my everyday norm. I knew the kind of life that I wanted for myself, and so I made it a goal to earn it.
After a lifetime of living with this mindset, I made my career my number one goal, and I cherished it. What followed was great fear of things that would come in between this. This included friendships, relationships, and even family sometimes and this was about the time that I converted into the church. I realized the church took marriage very seriously, and people would get married very early. This came as a shock majorly because I was not used to that. This also meant I would probably, possibly have to take it slow on my career at some point, and I wasn't willing to take the risk.
But as time went by, I got to appreciate the blessings that this sacred union brings. And having this discussion this week just reminded me of how far I've come and how far I can go if I'm willing to have an open mind and realizing that there's so much I do not know.
Your blog looks great!